
Expectations for Retraining Meds

Anxiety and phobias can take a significant toll on your pet’s health. Your ordinarily energetic and fun-loving pet may resort to cowering and hiding because of what they’re currently dealing with.

Giving your cat or dog some medication may help with their current condition. Behavior modification drugs for pets are becoming more widely available. It may be time for you to give them a look as well.

Before you start giving your pet those meds, you should first set your expectations properly. Continue with this article so you have a better idea of what to expect after you give your pet behavior modification drugs.

Behavior Modification Meds Are Not Always Prescribed

If your pet is dealing with anxiety or some kind of phobia, you may decide that giving them some medication is a good idea. While you may reach that conclusion, you shouldn’t assume that your veterinarian will agree with you.

Per the Veterinary Information Network, veterinarians will only prescribe behavior modification drugs after thoroughly examining your pet. They will also consider your pet’s medical history. Furthermore, they may only recommend giving medication if your pet is exhibiting specific symptoms that can be treated with medication.

There’s a chance that your veterinarian may recommend something other than medication for your pet’s condition. Follow their recommendation because they are doing what’s best for your animal companion.

Side Effects May Emerge

We always have to be mindful of side effects whenever we’re taking any medication. Side effects can also be an issue for your pet if they are taking behavior modification drugs.

Some of the common side effects that come from taking behavior modification drugs include an upset stomach, lethargy, loss of appetite, and liver issues. You should watch closely for those issues so you can stay on top of your pet’s condition.

Also, remember that any side effects your pet may experience from taking behavior modification drugs should be temporary. They should be gone by the next day. If they aren’t, that could be because those symptoms are not related to the drugs.

You should get your pet checked because they may be dealing with a different problem.

Behavior Modification Meds May Be Required for a Long Time

Because you’re using medication to treat your pet’s condition, you may expect results to show up immediately. While it would be great if things worked out that way, you have to go into this knowing that it will likely take a while.

Some pets may need to keep up their medicine regimen for several months. Notably, that is still considered a short treatment session.

In some cases, pets may need to take behavior modification drugs for over a year. The veterinarian may also recommend lifetime treatment for certain pets.

The positive results of the medication may show up, but it may take a while for that to happen.

Behavior Modification Meds May Not Work

Lastly, you also have to prepare yourself for the possibility that the behavior modification drugs will not work.

We are still in the early stages of using medication to treat anxiety and phobias in pets. Because of that, we still don’t know how truly effective they are. There may be times when the meds simply don’t produce the results expected of them.

It’s disappointing to find out that the drugs did not work, but that is a possibility we have to accept.

Do you need someone to monitor your pet now that they’re on a treatment routine? If so, we at TAILored Pet Services are ready to heed your call for assistance. You can enlist our services by calling 425-923-7791 or by contacting us through our website.




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