
Diarrhea: Evaluating the Severity

Cleaning up after your dog is not exactly the most fun aspect of being a pet owner. Still, we treat that as no big deal all the time because it’s just something we do for our beloved companions.

It’s one thing to clean up “normal” poop your pet leaves behind. So-called normal poop is easy to pick up and dispose of so cleaning that up is a mild inconvenience at best. Diarrhea poop is different and it’s much harder to clean.

Aside from being harder to clean, the characteristics of the poop your dog produces while they have diarrhea can give you insight into their current condition. In this article, we’ll discuss what your pet’s droppings may be saying about their health. Stick around so you can evaluate the severity of your dog’s diarrhea.

What the Poop Colors Mean

Under normal circumstances, you probably don’t pay too much attention to the color of your pet’s poop. If it’s the same color all the time, it’s understandable why you may not notice it at all.

However, the color of the poop your dog or puppy produces takes on a greater meaning if they have diarrhea. That’s because the color of the poop can clue you in to the health issue they’re dealing with.

Brown poop is normal for dogs. Anything other than that is hinting at a deeper issue of some kind.

According to Dogs Naturally, blue poop is especially worrying because it’s a potential indicator that your pet ate rat poison. Stool with streaks of blood is also troublesome because it may be pointing to your pet being injured.

Black, green, grey, and yellow poops are also not ideal. They are likely indicators that your dog has an ailment of some kind, although it’s probably not an emergency case.

Concerns about Duration and Frequency

Most of the time, your pet’s bout of diarrhea will only last for a day or two. If it lasts longer than that, you should schedule a visit to the veterinarian.

A case of diarrhea that lasts for more than a few days is probably linked to a more serious ailment. You must address that as soon as possible.

You should also account for how frequently your puppy or dog poops. If they poop several times in one day, they could be at serious risk for dehydration. Do something about that or else your pet’s condition could worsen significantly.

Diarrhea Accompanied by Other Symptoms

Pet owners should also take a case of diarrhea more seriously if it’s accompanied by other symptoms. The emergence of those other symptoms may be hinting that your dog’s condition has deteriorated. You may need to take a trip to the emergency room to address that.

Not all cases of canine diarrhea are equal. By accounting for the things we highlighted in this article, you will be able to evaluate the severity of your pet’s diarrhea.

TAILored Pet Services monitors your dog’s dogs stool and report any irregularities. Schedule walks by completing our online form or calling 425-923-7791.



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