Have you ever wondered about the contents of pet food? Truthfully, it’s an easy thing to forget about.
As consumers, we tend to put faith in the manufacturers of our favorite products. We believe that they’ll deliver the goods because that’s what they’re supposed to do.
Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Upon closer inspection, you may find that certain types of pet food have questionable contents.
Before you give another bowl of commercial pet food to your cat or dog, read this article. Is what you’re serving good enough for them?
A Meaty Topic
Cats and dogs have a preference for meat. Your cat likely prefers some fish or chicken while dogs love beef.
Pet food manufacturers understand that cats and dogs prefer meat. They also know that most pet owners will seek out pet foods that contain that key ingredient.
However, the type of meat included in pet food may not be exactly as you pictured it. If you assumed that pet foods only contained things like chicken breast or off-cuts of beef, that’s not always the case.
According to WebMD, you will likely find animal organs in pet food. This means the commercial food contains bones, brains, hearts, intestines, stomachs, and tongues.
Normally, the ingredients exclude animal hairs, hooves, horns, and teeth. Still, those items might be inevitably included due to processing.
The inclusion of those organs in commercial pet food does not necessarily mean that your pet is receiving inadequate nutrition. Humans might not like to eat them; however, they still contain valuable nutrients for pets.
Your pet can still be nourished by those meat products, even if they sound unappealing to us. Even so, you may object to feeding that type of food to your pet.
What Additives Are Included In Pet Food?
The meat included in commercial pet food may not be the type of meat you’re familiar with. You’re likely not thrilled with that revelation, but you can at least say that your pet is still getting the meat portions they need.
But what about the additives included in commercial pet food? Are they additions that you want included in your pet’s diet?
The FDA notes that those GRAS (generally recognized as safe) additives include different minerals, nutrients, and vitamins. Notably, those GRAS additives also include preservatives and stabilizers for pet food. They may also serve as artificial coloring.
Uncertainty about Additives
In the past, some additives used in pet food have been problematic. Propylene glycol was previously used as an additive in pet food until studies found that it harmed cats. To be more specific, it could inflict real damage to a cat’s red blood cells.
Recent controversies have also emerged concerning other additives such as Ethoxyquin. To this day, we don’t know exactly what kind of impact ethoxyquin can have on the health of our animal companions.
The uncertainty surrounding those additives has justifiably given more than a few pet owners a cause for concern. If additives included in the past have negatively affected pets in the past, who’s to say that such a thing will not happen again.
It’s hard to be 100 percent sure about the safety of additives included in commercial pet food. With that kind of certainty lacking, it’s easy to understand why some pet owners are turning to other sources of nutrition for the animals in their care.
Should You Serve Commercial Pet Food?
Commercial pet food is popular because it’s convenient, affordable. If you go through the ingredient list with a fine-tooth comb, you may find some questionable contents; however, not all commercial pet food is bad. After reading this article, you now know what to look for.
Good food and companionship are key to keeping your pet healthy. While working with TAILored Pet Services, we’ll only serve the food/treats you provide. Call us at 425-923-7791 or browse our website to learn more about how we can help.
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