
Alopecia (Hair Loss)-Types In Dogs

If you’re even a little familiar with alopecia, then you likely know it as a condition that causes hair loss. It’s a condition that can affect humans and animals. Dogs are not safe from it either.

Although you may know that it causes hair loss, what you may not know is that there are different types of it. Becoming more familiar with the types is crucial if you want to better understand what your dog is going through so continue reading. We’ll share some of the factors that cause it.

Traction Alopecia

Your desire to tie or style your dog’s fur can lead to hair loss. That’s the case in dogs who are affected by traction alopecia.

To prevent this type, avoid tying your dog’s fur too tightly. The constant and forceful pulling of the hair ties can explain why your pet has alopecia.


Clipping your dog’s fur shouldn’t cause any problems, but it may lead to alopecia. Experts don’t know why shaving your dog’s fur may sometimes cause it to not grow back.

Post-Injection Alopecia

Alopecia is a rare side effect of some injections that dogs get. The injected area is the only spot affected by hair loss. Rabies vaccinations and steroid injections are the shots that most often cause this type.


When dealing with a wound or infection, dogs tend to react by licking, scratching, or biting the affected area consistently. If anything, they may overdo it with all the licking, scratching, or biting thus leading to a type of alopecia known as pyoderma.

Follicular Dysplasia

Your dog’s genetics can also explain why they are losing hair. Follicular dysplasia is one such genetic condition that causes dogs to lose their fur. A pet affected by this type of condition has a coat that appears badly damaged.

Pattern Baldness

Pattern baldness is something that a lot of men are familiar with. Unfortunately, it’s a condition that can affect dogs as well.

The pattern baldness that manifests itself in dogs specifically affects certain areas. Those areas include the dog’s head, their ears, their neck, and even as far down as their chest.

Specific breeds of dogs are more susceptible to pattern baldness than others. Dachshunds in particular are commonly affected by this condition.

Along with the hair loss, you may also notice that the patches of bare skin have darkened.

Alopecia X

Alopecia X shares some similarities with pattern baldness. That’s because they both cause hair loss and darkening of the skin.

However, this type does not target all breeds. Per PetMD, the loss of hair is also more noticeable around the trunk and the thighs.

Pinnal Alopecia

The hair surrounding your dog’s ears may get thinner over time. That is somewhat common and we know it as pinnal alopecia.


Some dogs have overactive sebaceous glands. Because of that, they produce so much sebum that even their hair follicles cannot grow properly. That type of alopecia is named seborrhea.

Alopecia Areata

Lastly, your pet’s hair loss can also be explained by a rare disease. The rare disease in question is alopecia areata and it can lead to your pet losing hair near their head and neck.

Alopecia can be a surprisingly complex condition with numerous causes. Consult with the veterinarian if you believe your dog has it so you can put together an effective treatment plan.

Some of the conditions that accompany alopecia may cause your pet to feel under the weather. If you need help transporting to the veterinary clinic, contact TAILored Pet Services by calling 425-923-7791 or sending an email on our contact page.




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