
Alopecia (Hair Loss)-Symptoms In Dogs

While playing around with your dog or just petting them, you may have noticed something different. For instance, certain patches of their fur may seem thinner than before. You may have also noticed more hair on the floor than usual.

Don’t shrug off that issue as if nothing’s wrong. You need to find out the root cause behind your dog’s hair loss if you hope to resolve it. If your pet is dealing with a case of alopecia, you must be aware of that.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the symptoms of alopecia in our canine companions. Please join us so we can better grasp this issue and identify it sooner rather than later.

Increased Shedding

We already touched on this in the intro, but increased shedding is a symptom of alopecia. Check for this by inspecting areas your dog typically likes to lie down on. Look at those spots and see if they are covered in more fur.

Increased shedding is one of the most common symptoms of alopecia so keep an eye out for it.

Bald Spots Might Indicate Alopecia

Alopecia can also manifest itself in the form of bald spots. You should treat those bald spots with more urgency.

According to Dogs Naturally, hair loss in the form of bald spots is a potential indicator that your dog has an infection. It could also be a sign that they have developed a disease.

Crusting and/or Inflammation around Areas of Hair Loss

The areas where your pet has lost hair can tell your more about their condition. Wade through your pet’s fur and examine those aforementioned areas.

You may find that the spots where the hair thinned or disappeared now look crusted over. They may also look irritated or inflamed.

If those symptoms are visible, you can take them as additional confirmation that your furry friend has alopecia.


Fallen hair follicles are not the only things your dog may leave behind on their bed if they have alopecia. There may also be small flakes on their bedding.

Those flakes are dead skin cells that fell off your dog. They are indicators of dandruff, which itself is a symptom of alopecia.

Skin Darkening

Alopecia’s symptoms are wide-ranging. They can even affect the color of your dog’s skin.

Take a look at your dog’s skin and see if it has darkened. Notably, your pet’s entire coat may not darken due to alopecia. The condition could just affect certain patches of their skin.

Dry Coat Might Be A Symptom of Alopecia

Before you even notice that your pet is losing hair, you may observe that their coat has changed. Dogs with alopecia often develop a drier coat. It’s a change you won’t miss especially if you often pet your beloved companion.


Alopecia is a condition that dogs will feel as well. When they feel it, they will try to do something about it by grooming more often.

Your pet may even seem unsettled at times given how often they’re grooming. Pay attention to that because it could be pointing to a case of alopecia.

Itchy Skin

One more symptom of alopecia that your pet might experience is itchy skin. If your dog seems to be scratching more often, take the time to check out their skin. There’s a chance that you’ll see the other symptoms of alopecia upon doing so.

As you can see, alopecia can change your dog’s appearance and also make them uncomfortable. It’s important to address it as soon as possible to minimize the impact it has on your pet.

Alopecia can cause your pet a significant amount of discomfort. We at TAILored Pet Services can help them feel more at ease while you’re at work. Just give us a call at 425-923-7791 or contact us through our website if you want to try our services.




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