
Spaying/Neutering: How It Affects Your Dog

As pet parents, we want nothing but the best for our canine companions. We do everything we can to give them the most enjoyable experiences possible. At some point in your life as a pet parent, you will have to answer an important question. Should you spay/neuter your pet dog? This has been a question that has given many pet owners reason to pause in the past. They worry about how their beloved pet may change and what long-term effects the surgical procedure could have. Those are all understandable concerns. In this article, we’ll discuss the facts about spaying/neutering so that you can use them to figure out the right course of action. Please read on to learn more about those procedures can affect your pet.

 Addressing the Health Concerns from Spaying

The number one reason why so many dog owners are worried is because they fear that spaying/neutering could have an adverse effect on the health of their pet. Let’s take the time to address those concerns here. The reports about how spaying/neutering can negatively affect pets likely emerged due to studies conducted previously by UC Davis. The studies appeared to show a link between those surgical procedures and dogs becoming more susceptible to developing certain orthopedic conditions and cancers. What The Humane Society wants dog owners to know is that those findings may not necessarily be applicable to all dogs. They point out that the aforementioned findings are specifically related to “male dogs of certain large breeds.”

The Potential Health Benefits

After addressing the health concerns, it’s now time to turn our attention to the health benefits of spaying/neutering your dog. Increased longevity is seen as one of the clear benefits. A study performed by Banfield Pet Hospitals showed that neutered male dogs lived about 18 percent longer while the spayed female dogs had their lifespans extended on average by 23 percent. It’s not just your dog who will benefit from spaying/neutering.

According to the World Animal Foundation, 6.5 million animals entered US shelters in 2023. That same year, 4.8 million were adopted, and 689,000 were euthanized.

Deciding whether or not to spay/neuter your dog isn’t easy. Hopefully though, the information included in this article will help you make the decision that will turn out best for you and your pet. Keeping a close eye on your dog following spaying/neutering is a must. Allow us at TAILored Pet Services to help. Reach out to us by calling/texting 425-923-7791 or contacting through our website.



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