
Photography Tips for Great Pet Pictures

Halloween is fast approaching and that’s a day of celebration for many pet owners. After all, what’s more adorable than a pet donning a spooky costume? Good luck finding an answer to that.

The only real downside to Halloween is that it’s over too quick. But what if you can preserve those moments better, like say through photography? Would that be something you’re interested in?

This article will show you how you can capture the best pictures of your pets. They’re great for taking Halloween pictures, but really you can use the following tips anytime you want to capture the essence of your lovely pet through photography.

Plan the Photo Shoot Ahead of Time

We want to be clear: Spontaneous photos are great! However, if you really want to showcase your pet, choosing the right time and recreating the best environment would be ideal.

It’s easier to capture great pictures when the conditions are right instead of relying on luck to produce that one lucky shot. For Halloween photo shoots in particular, planning ahead of time can help you create that spooky feel. “If you’re going to dress up your pet, give him or her time to get used to it!  Lots of treats help too!” Julie Austin,  Evening Magazine’s Best Pet Photographer

Take Halloween Pictures in the Ideal Environment

Your pet is not going to act normally if you’re conducting the photo shoot in an unfamiliar environment. The right approach is to make things feel like normal so take the photos at home or at any other familiar location.

Don’t shy away from getting close to your pet as well. Get close to them and see how they react. You’re sure to be rewarded with some great pictures that way.

Use the Right Photography Equipment

High-quality photography equipment that works for people will obviously be suitable for pets as well. However, if you want to make the photo shoot easier, consider investing in cameras with a dedicated Pet Mode.

For example, some Nikon cameras come with a Pet Mode that allows you to consistently capture the best pictures even if your pet isn’t being super cooperative. It could be a worthy investment if you’re planning to have more than a few pet-centric photo sessions moving forward.

“But smart phones are still a great option!  On the iPhone, try the Portrait mode.  While you’re at it, videos are fun too! Those can be fun to post on Instagram and TikTok.  Everyone loves animals videos!” Julie Austin,  Evening Magazine’s Best Pet Photographer

Producing beautiful pet photographs is not a particularly easy task. Still, you can improve the odds of the photo shoot turning out successfully by following the tips mentioned above.

“Remember, lots of patience.  If your pet becomes agitated, it’s time for a break in the session. Also, if you become agitated, take a break.  They pick up on your vibes.” Julie Austin,  Evening Magazine’s Best Pet Photographer

If reading this article has you excited to take Halloween photos but you don’t have the energy, book a photo session with professional. Tailored Pet Services recommends Julie Austin who has been named Evening Magazine’s Best Pet Photographer numerous times.

Preparing for your pet’s photoshoot can be an all-day affair. While you’re in the middle of preparations, make sure he/she gets adequate exercise by hiring a pet sitter. We at TAILored Pet Services are happy to help! Contact us by using the form below:



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