
Paw Pads: Protect Your Dog’s From Injuries

If you’ve ever shaken hands – or paws – with your dog, then you’ve likely noticed how rugged their paw pads are. It seems like they should be able to withstand a lot of wear and tear.

To be fair, a dog’s paw pads can indeed endure a significant amount of damage, but they aren’t immune to injury. As we highlighted previously (link to first article here), several factors can be the cause of significant paw pad damage.

The thought of your pet getting injured like that is not a pleasant one to ponder. Thankfully, we as pet parents can do more to keep them protected.

Listed below are just a few easy tips for you to follow.

Apply Moisturizer to Paw Pads

Moisturizing your pet’s paw pads is a good idea during the winter or those other days when the air is dry outside. Doing so will keep the paw pads from cracking.

Don’t just use your moisturizer though as WebMD notes that it can soften the pads excessively. Instead, consult with your veterinarian and ask which product is best for your pet.

Use a Natural Soothing Solution

If you would rather avoid store-bought moisturizer, you can use a more natural remedy to protect your dog’s paws.

Dogs Naturally recommends mixing together four cups of warm water, four chamomile tea bags, and a cup of sea salt into a large bowl to create a soaking solution. After soaking the paws, you can also cover them with some aloe gel to make your dog more comfortable.

The solution described here also works as treatment for already damaged paw pads.

Put on Some Booties to Protect Paw Pads

Not all dogs are going to warm up to the idea of wearing booties, but if your pet is okay with them, go ahead and give them a try. They should allow your pet to stroll comfortably even along nearby pavements.

Clean Up the Surrounding Areas

One more way to prevent damaged paw pads is to clean up the areas your pet may visit during the walk. Keep an eye out for any sharp objects and get rid of them.

If you cannot be certain that the surrounding areas are clear and you don’t have permission to clean them up, try limiting the walk to just your front yard for now.

Paw pad damage can be very uncomfortable for your beloved pet. Protect your pet better from that injury by heeding the tips included in this article.

Your pet will need some extra care and guidance during walks as his/her paws recover. Allow us at TAILored Pet Services to provide that care and guidance. Reach out to us through contact form or by calling/texting 425-923-7791.



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