
Humping: Explaining Why Fido Does It

Dogs are incredibly lovable. Just about everything they do is capable of drawing a smile or a laugh from us doting pet parents. Even when they’re acting like total doofuses or mess something up inside our home, we still cannot get really mad at them.

However, there is one type of habit that we pet owners can do without it. That habit in question is humping.

Aside from being uncomfortable if you’re on the receiving end of it, seeing your dog hump someone else or someone else’s pet is also downright mortifying. It’s the kind of habit that your pet needs to drop.

Before we can work on getting your dog to drop that habit though, it helps to understand why it’s happening in the first place. Let’s explore those reasons in greater detail in this article.

Your Dog’s Hormones Are Acting Up

As you’ve probably guessed, humping can be a display of sexual behavior. Interestingly enough though, the ASPCA notes that humping is a habit that can be exhibited by both neutered and intact dogs. They even note that both male and female dogs are known to take part in this habit.

Humping Could Be a Symptom of a Serious Health Problem

If your dog’s mounting has become more frequent recently, there’s a chance that it could be a sign of trouble. Some health problems related to a male dog’s reproductive organs can cause them to turn to humping in the hopes of finding relief.

Don’t ignore that sudden change of behavior. Take your pet to the veterinarian and see if it’s something potentially more serious.

They’re Responding to Their Surroundings

Dogs may start to hump someone around them if they’re feeling excited or stressed out. It’s an unusual occurrence, but it does happen from time to time. Older dogs may also start humping after seeing a fellow dog in an effort to establish dominance.

Humping Is Seen as a Form of Playing

One more reason why dogs may start humping out of the blue is because they want to play. It’s an awkward invitation for sure, but it’s a habit that some canines do tend to pick up as they age.

Humping has many meanings for dogs and it’s important to understand what they are so you can contextualize your pet’s behavior better. Learning about those reasons for humping will also help you mitigate that aforementioned behavior more effectively in the future.

Humping can be a serious issue that causes you to shy away from taking your dog outside. We at TAILored Pet Services can help mitigate that problem by taking full control of your pet during walks. Partner with us by calling 425-923-7791 or by browsing our website.



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