
Trainer – Skills to Look For

One of the most important decisions dog owner have to make is finding the right trainer to teach Fido. You’ll love your dog no matter how he/she matures. On the other hand, it’s easier to share a home with a pet who listens as opposed to one who doesn’t.

With that in mind, we’ll list the qualifications you should see in the trainer you hire.

For this article, we will focus on the specific qualifications dog trainers should have. In next week’s article, we’ll focus on the qualities that a dog trainer should possess.

Educational Background

An individual does not necessarily have to complete a professional dog training program before becoming an instructor. However, it is an indicator of someone who knows what he/she is doing. Go ahead and ask the trainer you’re considering hiring if he/she possesses that type of education.

It’s also worth asking if he/she participated in hands-on training as part of the program because that will be prominently featured in future training sessions.

Professional Certifications and Memberships with Professional Organizations

According to Preventive Vet, professional certifications and memberships with professional organizations are hallmarks of a trainer who knows his/her stuff. If you find it difficult to choose between two particular trainers, you can look at their certifications and memberships as tie-breakers, thus making the decision easier for you.

Level of Expertise

Quality dog training involves more than just teaching the basics. According to the American Kennel Club, a good trainer should also be able to teach you about dog behaviors and how you can groom them better.

If a trainer can show you dog how to socialize with other canines, you should strongly consider enlisting his/her services.

Finding a good dog trainer is not as easy as you might have assumed, but it is well worth the effort. You want your pet dog to be set up for success and that can happen if he/she is taught by an expert trainer.

If you’re looking for someone who can help reinforce your dog trainer’s lessons, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We can recommend a dog trainer and integrate those lessons into our interactions so your dog can learn faster. To learn more about how we can help, please call us at 425-923-7791 or browse our website.



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