One of the best things you can do for the canine population is to adopt an older dog who’s spent a long time at a shelter and provide socialization.
Many people aren’t too keen on the idea of bringing home an older dog, especially when they have the option of adopting a younger pet or even a puppy.
Some folks may also not want to deal with the difficulties that come with taking care of an older dog. They think that teaching them new tricks and getting them to unlearn old habits are tasks too difficult to even try.
It’s unfortunate because older dogs still deserve our love and attention. If you are still interested in adopting an older rescue dog, then let us help out by showing you how to help them socialize.
The dog training tips included below will help make the process of introducing your older rescue dog to other people and animals significantly more manageable.
Let’s get started!
Get to Know Your Adult Rescue Dog
As noted earlier, one of the difficulties of caring for an older rescue dog is that he/she already has developed habits and behaviors that are fundamental to his/her identity. Before you bring your older rescue around people and other animals, you have to understand how he/she behaves first.
Does he/she cozy up to you often or is he/she someone who prefers to remain away outside of mealtime? Is he/she playful or shy?
Monitor your dog for a while first to find out the answers to those questions. Give your dog as much time he/she needs to get comfortable. Soon enough, you’ll be able to understand more about his/her personality.
Let Your Dog Dictate if an Interaction Is Going to Take Place
According to the Louisiana branch of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), there is one rule you should follow when it comes to identifying who your rescue dog should interact with. The rule is that your dog has to be the one who identifies who he/she interacts with.
You’ll know that your rescue dog is interested and potentially comfortable with meeting someone if he/she approaches that person. If your dog initiates the interaction, he/she may even be comfortable with receiving some pets from that person.
Proceed at Your Dog’s Pace Towards Socialization
When your rescue dog shows a willingness to interact with other people/dogs, it’s wonderful but don’t go overboard. The key here is to once again allow your dog to take the lead.
Your dog will show you if he/she is up for more playtime or if it’s now time for a break. Remember to praise your dog as well for exhibiting good behavior around others. Just because he/she’s a bit older, doesn’t mean that kind words and treats are no longer welcome.
Watching over an older rescue dog is not easy, but it can be done. As long as you pay close attention to your dog and give him/her control over the situation though, socializing will be possible and it can even be fun!
If you’re interested in adopting an older rescue dog or simply want to make the lives of these senior hounds easier, please feel free to contact Old Dog Haven. Old Dog Haven is a non-profit who has been working to find homes for senior dogs since 2004. Their mission is educating more people about why they should consider welcoming older rescue dogs into their home.
TAILored Pet Services’ cared for Old Dog Haven fosters for 5.5 years so we are experienced with senior dogs. We’ll ensure Fido is completely comfortable walking or visiting fenced yard for bathroom break to ensure no accidents occur. We’ll even work on socialization. To find out more about our services, please call us at 425-923-7791 or visit our website.
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