
Halloween Tips for Safety Dog

Halloween can be a wonderful, and exciting time… for humans… but for your dog, let’s face it, Halloween may seem more like Hell-oween. Not only is it loud, and there are a bombardment of strangers knocking and yelling at your door dressed up in strange and confusing costumes, but many of the treats that Halloween is popular for are deadly for your dog.

Here are 10 tips to make Halloween both safe and enjoyable for your dog!

1. Chocolate and Trick-or-treat candies are BAD for your dog. Chocolate, in any of its forms, can be extremely dangerous, and even deadly, for dogs and cats. Pets get what is known as a chocolate poisoning, and the symptoms of which may include stomach upset such as vomiting and/or diarrhea, rapid breathing, intensified heart rate, and even seizures. Artificial sweeteners such as xylitol are also been poisonous for, and even a little bit can be deadly.

2. Stock dog-friendly snacks. Include Spot in the fun by baking him a special Halloween treat. Pet Place has an easy recipe called “Tricky Treats for Dogs”. Halloween shaped squeaker toys are also a great choice to keep Spot distracted while handing out candy to the trick or treaters.

3. Keep your dog indoors. This is for a couple of reasons. There will be tons of people walking by your house which may you’re your dog anxiety, there often are fireworks and crackers going off, and there have been cruel pranksters have taunted, hurt, stolen, and even killed pets on Halloween night. Although the latter is rare, it happens, and it is completely preventable! Do your best to prevent any harm to your dog by keeping them indoors unless on a leash, completely supervised by you.

4. Keep your doggy away from the door, preferably in a separate room. The noise, the bombardment of strangely dressed and loud strangers, fireworks, etc… this is all scary for your pup. Don’t forget that it is dog’s nature to be territorial and want to protect you and the family. They may become anxious or territorial with the bombardment of trick-or-treaters and either bark or growl. Your dog could also slip away when the door is open, especially if they are scared. To avoid a mishap it is best to keep your dog in a safe place where they are separated from the door so they can relax.

5. Keep pumpkins out of reach. Although dogs can normally eat pumpkin (and it is often recommended as a fiber source), too much can create intestinal issues… such as diarrhea. So to make sure that your dog isn’t getting too much make sure you keep an eye on the pumpkin.

6. Fur is flammable… keep Jack-o-lanterns away from your pup. You don’t want the risk of your dog getting burned, causing a fire, or even getting their fur burned off. Make sure any fire sources are kept in a safe place! In fact, why not opt for battery operated candles to light up your Jack-o-lanterns this year?

7. Keep any wires and/or electric cords in a safe place. Make sure that cords aren’t anywhere where your pup may chew on them. Dogs are known for chewing anything on their level, especially during times of anxiety or stress.

8. Don’t force your dog to wear a costume. Some dogs don’t mind wearing clothes or costumes, but some seriously do. If you decide to dress up your pup make sure that the costume isn’t constricting, annoying or unsafe. Obstructing your pet’s vision is always unacceptable so be sure your pet has a clear field of view. Make sure costumes are tried on before Halloween, and maybe give them a chance to get used to any costumes they may be wearing.

9. Make sure your dog is wearing it’s identification tags. If your dog somehow escapes and gets lost, it is important that you have the proper identification. This way if your dog is found you will be contacted immediately. Make sure that any info is up to date!

10. If you’re having a party let your dog have a quiet room! If you’re having a Halloween party make sure your dog has its own safe and quiet space to hang out, away from the loud crowd. All pets need a place to safely retreat during times of stress and Halloween night is no exception.

With little precautions, your dog can have a safe and happy Halloween, just like you!

Are you going to be on vacation during Halloween? TAILored Pet Services is here to help! We can have a slumber party at your house to ensure Fido has a stress-free holiday. Visit our overnight service page for more information.



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